VILACO Company was established on 23/01/2008. The Company operates in the fields such as: Labor export, real estate. Forerunner of VILACO Company was Chinese Training and Education Center in 1999, and became Labor Export Center in 2003.
1. In the field of labor export:
VILACO Company is licensed by Ministry of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs to take laborers to work in Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Russia, Middle East and Macao. By this time, VILACO Company has taken more than 20,000 laborers to work in foreign countries in the fields such as: factory, construction, housemaid, and worker with the following sectors: welding, mechanics, turning, milling, planing, repair and assembly of automotive components, formwork, iron, scaffolding, food processing, seafood processing, farming and animal husbandry, etc… Company always complies with Laws and regulations of Ministry in this operation. Company has also received many certificates of merit of localities for achievements in recruiting laborers to work abroad.
In the field of labor export to send laborers to termly work in foreign countries, Japanese market is the market strongly focused by the Company because Japanese market has high income and requirements of human, sense of discipline, and workmanship. Japan market is very strict in selection and training. Selected human must have good nature and proper perception, and clearly understand requirements of Japanese. Because the Company knows those requirements and demands of Japanese employers, the Company has been accepted and satisfied by a lot of Labor Union and employers of Japan in recent time.
Currently, the Company has 80 officials and has 01 branch in Ho Chi Minh City as well as many recruitment offices in provinces.
2.In the field of real estate
VILACO Company established a real estate transaction floor and had a license of Ministry of Construction in 2008, in order to introduce projects to investors such as Van Canh Project owned by HUD Group, Bac An Khanh Project invested by Joint Venture between Vinaconex Corporation and Posco Company of Korea, Thanh Ha Project invested by Cienco5 Company, Xanh Villa Project invested by Xuan Cau Company, Trung Nam Project in Danang invested by Trung Nam Investment Joint Stock Company, Nam Cuong Project invested by Nam Cuong Group, and broker a lot of other projects in Danang, Hoi An, Phu Quoc from 2008 to 2016.
With our functions and duties, staff and leaders of VILACO Company always try our best to fulfill all tasks. In 2017, the Company continues to promote Japanese market, enhance and improve training affairs of perception, health and foreign language. The Company strives for the fact that 100% of VILACO trainees being sent to Japan pass N5 in Vietnam, 80% pass N4 in Vietnam, 65% pass N3 in Japan and 20% pass N2 in Japan.
We are looking forward to receiving your help.
Thank you very much./.